GWM Return by Folio Year to Date
Core Equities = Mostly U.S. Large Cap individual leading stocks
Equity Sector Rotation = ETFs that represent U.S. sectors and industry groups showing the best relative strength
Flexible Income = a combination of income producing assets, including high dividend equity ETFs (lower risk in nature)
Global Markets = Equity ETF(s) that represents the best one or two performing international / global market(s)
Major Markets = Equity ETFs that may include international, as well as domestic markets segments, I.E., small caps or midcaps
New Economy / New America = Mostly U.S. Small and Mid-Cap individual leading stocks (higher risk in nature)
GWM Model Portfolios are diversified by security selection and strategy. All portfolios include both higher risk and lower risk positions. Overall risk is determined by the model portfolio you have chosen.
GWM Model Portfolios (Asset Allocation)
Golden Year 30% Equities / 70% Flex Income
In Betweener 50% Equities / 50% Flex Income
Go Getter 70% Equities / 30% Flex Income
A simple way to choose a suitable model is to subtract your age from 100, i.e., if you are around 70, you would choose Golden Years, a 70/30 Flex Income - Equities mix. These are very general guide lines. Only you can know what is best for you.
You can change your chosen GWM model at any time by completing a new "Risk Tolerance Questionnaire". The RTQ can be found under the
[Clients] tab on the GWM web-site.
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